Fallopia scandens(L.) Holub
no accepted == Polygonum scandens

BH SPECIMENS FOR Fallopia scandens (this list may be incomplete)
 Ithaca, Cornell University campus, 14 Jul 1904, Coit (BH 340202);
 Town of Dryden, 107 Neimi Road, Fivewellsania, 1 Aug 1987, Dilger WCD1043 (BH 112156);
 Town of Dryden, 107 Neimi Road, Fivewellsania, north garden, 2 Sep 1990, Dilger WCD1103 (BH 112157);
 Town of Dryden, 107 Neimi Road, Five Wells Nature Preserve, fence near chicken house, west of Log House, 24 Aug 1996, Dilger WCD1356 (BH 112160);
 Town of Dryden, 107 Neimi Road, Fivewellsania, climbing wire on south side of house, 9 Aug 1981, Dilger WCD948 (BH 112179);
 Ithaca, 6 Sep 1942, Isely (BH 249104);
 Ithaca, Ithaca Flats, along Lehigh Valley Railroad track, 10 Sep 1940, Laubengayer (BH 340203);

SPECIMENS OF Fallopia scandens var. scandens
 Ithaca, 17 Aug 1895, anonymous (BH 212784);
 Renwick, Ithaca, 23 Sep 1894, anonymous (BH 212917);
 Ithaca, Aug 1875, anonymous 773 (BH 212919);
 Ithaca, flats, Sep 1872, anonymous (BH 212783);
 Ithaca, garden weed, climbing 30 feet high, 16 Sep 1917, Bailey (BH 212923);
 Ithaca, established along fence in garden, 3 Sep 1945, Bailey (BH 213180);
 Ithaca: in garden, covering fence, spontaneous; 6 ft. high; perennial, 3 Sep 1945, Bailey (BH 213775);
 At head of Cayuga Lake, woods of Ulmus and Fraxinus, Sepals 5, white, 5 Sep 1948, Clausen & Clausen 7316 (BH 212918);
 Renwick, Ithaca, waste thicket, 28 Aug 1919, Eames 11993 (BH 212922);
 Ithaca: Coy Glen and vicinity, thicket, 29 Aug 1915, Eames 4003 (BH 212568);
 Ithaca, flats, 31 Jul 1934, Muenscher 18159 (BH 212561);
 Ithaca: between Fall Creek, East Hill, and Cayuga Lake, open alluvial and marshy flats, 25 Aug 1913, Palmer 425 (BH 213779);
 Ithaca, west of Percy Field, by embankment of Fall Creek, dry gravel, 6 Aug 1913, Palmer 426 (BH 213778);
 Town of Ithaca: above Forest Home, Fall Creek, 3 Sep 1943, Schuster 20826 (BH 212466);

