APG2: Lamiales

Avicenniaceae, Justiciaceae, Mendonciaceae, Meyeniaceae, Nelsoniaceae, Thunbergiaceae

Acanthus Family

TAMU Image Gallery Gerald Carr images GOOGLE

image of
image of
image of
image of
image of
image of
image of Acanthus balanicus
Acanthus balanicus
image of Acanthus balanicus
Acanthus balanicus
image of Acanthus balanicus
Acanthus balanicus
image of Acanthus balanicus
Acanthus balanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus balcanicus
Acanthus balcanicus
image of Acanthus mollis
Acanthus mollis
image of Acanthus mollis
Acanthus mollis
image of Acanthus spinosus
Acanthus spinosus
image of Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
image of Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
image of Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
image of Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
image of Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
image of Anisacanthus quadrifidus
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
image of Anisacanthus quadrifidus
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
image of Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
image of Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
image of Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
image of Aphelandra glabrata
Aphelandra glabrata
image of Aphelandra jacobinoides
Aphelandra jacobinoides
image of Aphelandra jacobinoides
Aphelandra jacobinoides
image of Aphelandra leonardii
Aphelandra leonardii
image of Aphelandra leonardii
Aphelandra leonardii
image of Aphelandra leonardii
Aphelandra leonardii
image of Aphelandra liboniana
Aphelandra liboniana
image of Aphelandra liboniana
Aphelandra liboniana
image of Aphelandra liboniana
Aphelandra liboniana
image of Aphelandra scabra
Aphelandra scabra
image of Aphelandra scabra
Aphelandra scabra
image of Aphelandra scabra
Aphelandra scabra
image of Aphelandra scabra
Aphelandra scabra
image of Aphelandra squarrosa
Aphelandra squarrosa
image of Aphelandra squarrosa
Aphelandra squarrosa
image of Aphelandra squarrosa
Aphelandra squarrosa
image of Aphelandra squarrosa
Aphelandra squarrosa
image of Aphelandra squarrosa
Aphelandra squarrosa
image of Aphelandra squarrosa
Aphelandra squarrosa
image of Aphelandra tetragona
Aphelandra tetragona
image of Aphelandra tetragona
Aphelandra tetragona
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Asystasia gangetica
Asystasia gangetica
image of Avicennia bicolor
Avicennia bicolor
image of Avicennia bicolor
Avicennia bicolor
image of Avicennia germinans
Avicennia germinans
image of Avicennia germinans
Avicennia germinans
image of Avicennia germinans
Avicennia germinans
image of Barleria albostellata
Barleria albostellata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria cristata
Barleria cristata
image of Barleria oenotheroides
Barleria oenotheroides
image of Barleria oenotheroides
Barleria oenotheroides
image of Barleria oenotheroides
Barleria oenotheroides
image of Barleria oenotheroides
Barleria oenotheroides
image of Barleria oenotheroides
Barleria oenotheroides
image of Barleria oenotheroides
Barleria oenotheroides
image of Blechum costaricensis
Blechum costaricensis
image of Blechum costaricensis
Blechum costaricensis
image of Blechum panamensis
Blechum panamensis
image of Blepharis edulis
Blepharis edulis
image of Blepharis mitrata
Blepharis mitrata
image of Blepharis mitrata
Blepharis mitrata
image of Blepharis mitrata
Blepharis mitrata
image of Blepharis mitrata
Blepharis mitrata
image of Blepharis mitrata
Blepharis mitrata
image of Chamaeranthemum venosum
Chamaeranthemum venosum
image of Chamaeranthemum venosum
Chamaeranthemum venosum
image of Chamaeranthemum venosum
Chamaeranthemum venosum
image of Chamaeranthemum venosum
Chamaeranthemum venosum
image of Chamaeranthemum venosum
Chamaeranthemum venosum
image of Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandra infundibuliformis
image of Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandra infundibuliformis
image of Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandra infundibuliformis
image of Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandra infundibuliformis
image of Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandra infundibuliformis
image of Crossandra nilotica
Crossandra nilotica
image of Dicliptera suberecta
Dicliptera suberecta
image of Dicliptera suberecta
Dicliptera suberecta
image of Dicliptera suberecta
Dicliptera suberecta
image of Dicliptera suberecta
Dicliptera suberecta
image of Dicliptera suberecta
Dicliptera suberecta
image of Dyschoriste linearis
Dyschoriste linearis
image of Dyschoriste linearis
Dyschoriste linearis
image of Dyschoriste linearis
Dyschoriste linearis
image of Dyschoriste linearis
Dyschoriste linearis
image of Dyschoriste linearis
Dyschoriste linearis
image of Dyschoriste linearis
Dyschoriste linearis
image of Dyschoriste repanda
Dyschoriste repanda
image of Eranthemum nervosum
Eranthemum nervosum
image of Eranthemum nervosum
Eranthemum nervosum
image of Eranthemum nervosum
Eranthemum nervosum
image of Eranthemum nervosum
Eranthemum nervosum
image of Eranthemum nigrum
Eranthemum nigrum
image of Eranthemum nigrum
Eranthemum nigrum
image of Eranthemum nigrum
Eranthemum nigrum
image of Eranthemum nigrum
Eranthemum nigrum
image of Eranthemum nigrum
Eranthemum nigrum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Fittonia albivenis
Fittonia albivenis
image of Graptophyllum hortense
Graptophyllum hortense
image of Graptophyllum hortense
Graptophyllum hortense
image of Graptophyllum hortense
Graptophyllum hortense
image of Graptophyllum hortense
Graptophyllum hortense
image of Graptophyllum hortense
Graptophyllum hortense
image of Graptophyllum hortense
Graptophyllum hortense
image of Hansteinia ventricosa
Hansteinia ventricosa
image of Hemigraphis alternata
Hemigraphis alternata
image of Hemigraphis alternata
Hemigraphis alternata
image of Hemigraphis alternata
Hemigraphis alternata
image of Hemigraphis angustifolia
Hemigraphis angustifolia
image of Hemigraphis angustifolia
Hemigraphis angustifolia
image of Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila polysperma
image of Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila polysperma
image of Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila polysperma
image of Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila polysperma
image of Hypoestes phyllostachya
Hypoestes phyllostachya
image of Hypoestes phyllostachya
Hypoestes phyllostachya
image of Hypoestes phyllostachya
Hypoestes phyllostachya
image of Hypoestes phyllostachya
Hypoestes phyllostachya
image of Hypoestes phyllostachya
Hypoestes phyllostachya
image of Hypoestes phyllostachya
Hypoestes phyllostachya
image of Justicia
image of Justicia americana
Justicia americana
image of Justicia americana
Justicia americana
image of Justicia americana
Justicia americana
image of Justicia americana
Justicia americana
image of Justicia americana
Justicia americana
image of Justicia aurea
Justicia aurea
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia brandegeana
Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia californica
Justicia californica
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carnea
Justicia carnea
image of Justicia carthaginensis
Justicia carthaginensis
image of Justicia carthaginensis
Justicia carthaginensis
image of Justicia ensiflora
Justicia ensiflora
image of Justicia lanceolata
Justicia lanceolata
image of Justicia lanceolata
Justicia lanceolata
image of Justicia lanceolata
Justicia lanceolata
image of Justicia lanceolata
Justicia lanceolata
image of Justicia rizzinii
Justicia rizzinii
image of Justicia rizzinii
Justicia rizzinii
image of Justicia rizzinii
Justicia rizzinii
image of Justicia rizzinii
Justicia rizzinii
image of Justicia scheidweileri
Justicia scheidweileri
image of Justicia scheidweileri
Justicia scheidweileri
image of Justicia suberecta
Justicia suberecta
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Justicia vasica
Justicia vasica
image of Louteridium donnell-smithii
Louteridium donnell-smithii
image of Louteridium donnell-smithii
Louteridium donnell-smithii
image of Louteridium donnell-smithii
Louteridium donnell-smithii
image of Louteridium donnell-smithii
Louteridium donnell-smithii
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella
image of Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
image of Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
image of Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
image of Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
image of Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
image of Mendoncia lindavii
Mendoncia lindavii
image of Mendoncia retusa
Mendoncia retusa
image of Mendoncia retusa
Mendoncia retusa
image of Mendoncia retusa
Mendoncia retusa
image of Mendoncia retusa
Mendoncia retusa
image of Odontonema callistachya
Odontonema callistachya
image of Odontonema callistachya
Odontonema callistachya
image of Odontonema callistachyum
Odontonema callistachyum
image of Odontonema callistachyum
Odontonema callistachyum
image of Odontonema callistachyum
Odontonema callistachyum
image of Odontonema callistachyum
Odontonema callistachyum
image of Odontonema tubaeforme
Odontonema tubaeforme
image of Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
image of Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
image of Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
image of Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
image of Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
image of Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
image of Peristrophe hyssopifolia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia
image of Peristrophe hyssopifolia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia
image of Peristrophe hyssopifolia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia
image of Peristrophe hyssopifolia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia
image of Peristrophe hyssopifolia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia
image of Peristrophe hyssopifolia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia
image of Phaulopsis imbricata
Phaulopsis imbricata
image of Phlogacanthus
image of Phlogacanthus
image of Phlogacanthus
image of Phlogacanthus
image of Phlogacanthus
image of Poikilacanthus pansamalanus
Poikilacanthus pansamalanus
image of Pseuderanthemum carrusthersii
Pseuderanthemum carrusthersii
image of Pseuderanthemum carrusthersii
Pseuderanthemum carrusthersii
image of Pseuderanthemum carrusthersii
Pseuderanthemum carrusthersii
image of Pseuderanthemum carruthersii
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii
image of Pseuderanthemum carruthersii
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii
image of Pseuderanthemum longifolium
Pseuderanthemum longifolium
image of Pseuderanthemum longifolium
Pseuderanthemum longifolium
image of Pseuderanthemum longifolium
Pseuderanthemum longifolium
image of Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
image of Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
image of Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
image of Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
image of Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
image of Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum
image of Pseuderanthermum variabile
Pseuderanthermum variabile
image of Pseuderanthermum variabile
Pseuderanthermum variabile
image of Pseuderanthermum variabile
Pseuderanthermum variabile
image of Pseuderanthermum variabile
Pseuderanthermum variabile
image of Pseuderanthermum variabile
Pseuderanthermum variabile
image of Pseuderanthermum variabile
Pseuderanthermum variabile
image of Razisea spicata
Razisea spicata
image of Ruellia
image of Ruellia
image of Ruellia colorata
Ruellia colorata
image of Ruellia devosiana
Ruellia devosiana
image of Ruellia diversifolia
Ruellia diversifolia
image of Ruellia diversifolia
Ruellia diversifolia
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia macrantha
image of Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia makoyana
image of Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia makoyana
image of Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia makoyana
image of Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia makoyana
image of Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia makoyana
image of Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia makoyana
image of Ruellia melecosperma
Ruellia melecosperma
image of Ruellia portellae
Ruellia portellae
image of Ruellia portellae
Ruellia portellae
image of Ruellia strepens
Ruellia strepens
image of Ruellia strepens
Ruellia strepens
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruspolia seticalyx
Ruspolia seticalyx
image of Ruttya fruiticosa
Ruttya fruiticosa
image of Ruttya fruticosa
Ruttya fruticosa
image of Ruttya fruticosa
Ruttya fruticosa
image of Ruttya fruticosa
Ruttya fruticosa
image of Ruttya fruticosa
Ruttya fruticosa
image of Ruttya fruticosa
Ruttya fruticosa
image of Ruttya fruticosa
Ruttya fruticosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Sanchezia speciosa
Sanchezia speciosa
image of Schaueria calycotricha
Schaueria calycotricha
image of Schaueria calycotricha
Schaueria calycotricha
image of Schaueria calycotricha
Schaueria calycotricha
image of Schaueria calycotricha
Schaueria calycotricha
image of Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma
image of Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma
image of Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma
image of Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma
image of Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma
image of Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Sciaphyllum amoenum
Sciaphyllum amoenum
image of Stenandrium lindeni
Stenandrium lindeni
image of Stenandrium lindeni
Stenandrium lindeni
image of Stenandrium lindeni
Stenandrium lindeni
image of Stenandrium lindeni
Stenandrium lindeni
image of Stenandrium lindeni
Stenandrium lindeni
image of Stenostephanus silvaticus
Stenostephanus silvaticus
image of Stenostephanus silvaticus
Stenostephanus silvaticus
image of Stenostephanus silvaticus
Stenostephanus silvaticus
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes
image of Strobilanthes anisophyllus
Strobilanthes anisophyllus
image of Strobilanthes anisophyllus
Strobilanthes anisophyllus
image of Strobilanthes anisophyllus
Strobilanthes anisophyllus
image of Strobilanthes isophyllus
Strobilanthes isophyllus
image of Strobilanthes isophyllus
Strobilanthes isophyllus
image of Strobilanthes isophyllus
Strobilanthes isophyllus
image of Thunbergia alata
Thunbergia alata
image of Thunbergia alata
Thunbergia alata
image of Thunbergia alata
Thunbergia alata
image of Thunbergia alata
Thunbergia alata
image of Thunbergia alata
Thunbergia alata
image of Thunbergia alata
Thunbergia alata
image of Thunbergia battescombei
Thunbergia battescombei
image of Thunbergia battescombei
Thunbergia battescombei
image of Thunbergia battescombei
Thunbergia battescombei
image of Thunbergia coccinea
Thunbergia coccinea
image of Thunbergia coccinea
Thunbergia coccinea
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia grandiflora
Thunbergia grandiflora
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Thunbergia mysorensis
Thunbergia mysorensis
image of Whitfieldia laterita
Whitfieldia laterita
image of Whitfieldia laterita
Whitfieldia laterita
image of Whitfieldia laterita
Whitfieldia laterita
image of Whitfieldia lateritia
Whitfieldia lateritia
image of Xantheranthemum igneum
Xantheranthemum igneum
image of Xantheranthemum igneum
Xantheranthemum igneum
image of Xantheranthemum igneum
Xantheranthemum igneum
image of Xantheranthemum igneum
Xantheranthemum igneum
image of Elytraria imbricata
[photo] Elytraria imbricata
image of Justicia brandegeana
[photo] Justicia brandegeana
image of Justicia carthaginensis
[photo] Justicia carthaginensis
image of Elytraria imbricata
[specimen_image] Elytraria imbricata
image of Elytraria impricata
[specimen_image] Elytraria impricata
image of Justicia carthaginensis
[specimen_image] Justicia carthaginensis
NUMBER OF GENERA IN Acanthaceae: 335  KEW LIST: Acanthaceae
Acanthopale Acanthopsis Acanthostelma Acanthura Acanthus 22 Achyrocalyx Adenacanthus Aechmanthera Afrofittonia
Ambongia Ancistranthus Ancistrostylis Ancylacanthus Andrographis Angkalanthus Anisacanthus 5 Anisosepalum Anisotes
Anomacanthus Anthacanthus Apassalus Aphanosperma Aphelandra 21 Aphelandrella Ascotheca Asystasia 10 Asystasiella
Avicennia 5 Ballochia Baphicacanthus Barleria 14 Barleriola Benoicanthus Bentia Blechum 3 Blepharis 6
Borneacanthus Boutonia Brachystephanus Bravaisia Bremekampia Brillantaisia Brunoniella Buceragenia Buteraea
Calacanthus Calophanoides Calycacanthus Camarotea Cardiacanthus Carlowrightia Carvia Celerina Cephalacanthus
Chaetacanthus Chaetochlamys Chaetothylax Chalarothyrsus Chamaeranthemum 5 Chameranthemum Championella Chileranthemum Chlamydacanthus
Chlamydocardia Chlamydostachya Chroesthes Clarkesia Clinacanthus Clistax Codonacanthus Conocalyx Corymbostachys
Cosmianthemum Crabbea Crossandra 6 Crossandrella Cryphiacanthus Ctenopaepale Cuenotia Cyclacanthus Cylindrosolenium
Cyphacanthus Cystacanthus Dactylostegium Danguya Dasytropis Dichazothece Dicladanthera Dicliptera 5 Didyplosandra
Diflugossa Dischistocalyx Distichocalyx Ditrichospermum Dolichostachys Dossifluga Drejera Duosperma Dyschoriste 7
Dyspemptemorion Ecbolium Echinacanthus Echinopaepale Elytraria 3 Encephalosphaera Endosiphon Epiclastopelma Eranthemum 16
Eremomastax Eusiphon Filetia Fittonia 7 Forcipella Gantelbua Gastranthus Geissomeria Glossochilus
Golaea Graphandra Graptophyllum 6 Gutzlaffia Gymapsis Gymnacanthus Gymnophragma Gymnostachyum Gynocraterium
Gypsacanthus Habracanthus Haemacanthus Hansteinia 1 Haplanthodes Haplanthus Harpochilus Hemigraphis 5 Henrya
Herpetacanthus Heteradelphia Holographis Hoverdenia Hulemacanthus Hygrophila 4 Hymenochlaena Hypoestes 6 Indoneesiella
Ionacanthus Isoglossa Isotheca Jadunia Juruasia Justicia 53 Kalbreyeracanthus Kalbreyeriella Kjellbergia
Kolobochilus Kosmosiphon Kudoacanthus Lankesteria Larsenia Lasiocladus Leandriella Lepidacanthus Lepidagathis
Leptacanthus Leptosiphonium Leptostachya Liberatia Linariantha Lindauea Linocalyx Lissospermum Listrobanthes
Lophostachys Louteridium 4 Lychniothyrsus Mackaya 7 Mackenziea Mananthes Marcania Megalochlamys Megalostoma
Megaskepasma 5 Melittacanthus Mellera Mendoncia 5 Metarungia Mexacanthus Meyenia Mimulopsis Mirandea
Monechma Monothecium Morsacanthus Nelsonia Neohallia Neolindenia Neriacanthus Neuracanthus Nilgirianthus
Odontonema 7 Ophiorrhiziphyllon Oplonia Oreacanthus Orophochilus Pachystachys 15 Parachampionella Paragoldfussia Pararuellia
Parastrobilanthes Parasympagis Pelecostemon Pentstemonacanthus Perenideboles Pericalypta Periestes Perilepta Peristrophe 6
Petalidium Phaulopsis 1 Phialacanthus Phidiasia Phlebophyllum Phlogacanthus 5 Physacanthus Pleocaulus Pleuroblepharis
Podorungia Poikilacanthus 1 Polylychnis Populina Pranceacanthus Psacadopaepale Pseudacanthopale Pseudaechmanthera Pseuderanthemum 14
Pseudocalyx Pseudodicliptera Pseudoruellia Pseudostenosiphonium Psilanthele Psiloesthes Pteracanthus Pteroptychia Ptyssiglottis
Pulchranthus Pupilla Pyrrothrix Razisea 1 Rhaphidospora Rhinacanthus Rhombochlamys Ritonia Ruellia 24
Ruelliopsis Rungia Ruspolia 7 Ruttya 7 Saintpauliopsis Salpinctium Salpinxantha Salpixantha Samuelssonia
Sanchezia 10 Sapphoa Sarojusticia Satanocrater Sautiera Schaueria 10 Schwabea Sciaphyllum 18 Sclerochiton
Sebastiano-schaueria Sebstiano-schaueria Semnostachya Semnothyrsus Sericocalyx Sericospora Sinthroblastes Siphonoglossa Sooia
Spathacanthus Sphacanthus Sphinctacanthus Spirostigma Stachyacanthus Standleyacanthus Staurogyne Steirosanchezia Stenandrium 5
Stenosiphonium Stenostephanus 3 Stenothyrsus Stephanophysum Streblacanthus Streptosiphon Strobilacanthus Strobilanthes 14 Strobilanthopsis
Styasasia Suessenguthia Supushpa Sympagis Synchoriste Tacoanthus Taeniandra Tarphochlamys Teliostachya
Tessmanniacanthus Tetraglochidium Tetragoga Tetragompha Tetramerium Theileamea Thelepaepale Thunbergia 36 Thyrsacanthus
Thysanostigma Tremacanthus Triaenacanthus Triaenanthus Trichanthera Trichaulax Trichocalyx Trichosanchezia Trybliocalyx
Ulleria Vavara Vindasia Warpuria Whitfieldia 4 Xantheranthemum 4 Xanthostachya Xenacanthus Xerothamnella
Yeatesia Zygoruellia

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