Caltha (Ranunculaceae)

   Marigold, Marsh Marigold

88 species names (IPNI) found:


image of Caltha howellii
Caltha howellii
image of Caltha introloba
Caltha introloba
image of Caltha introloba
Caltha introloba
image of Caltha introloba
Caltha introloba
image of Caltha leptosepala
Caltha leptosepala
image of Caltha leptosepala
Caltha leptosepala
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
image of Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris
Caltha found in cladograms:
  500 taxon rbcL Seed Plant Consensus Tree

NUMBER OF GENERA IN Ranunculaceae: 70  KEW LIST: Ranunculaceae
Aconitella Aconitum Actaea Adonis Aiolon Anemoclema Anemone Anemonella Anemonopsis
Aphanostemma Aquilegia Archiclematis Arcteranthis Arsenjevia Aspidophyllum Asteropyrum Barneoudia Batrachium
Beesia Calathodes Callianthemoides Callianthemum Caltha 35 Ceratocephala Clematis Clematopsis Consolida
Coptis Cyrtorhyncha Delphinium Dichocarpum Enemion Eranthis Ficaria Garidella Glaucidium
Halerpestes Hamadryas Helleborus Hepatica Hydrastis Isopyrum Jurtsevia Knowltonia Komaroffia
Krapfia Kumlienia Laccopetalum Leptopyrum Megaleranthis Metanemone Miyakea Myosurus Naravelia
Nigella Oreithales Oxygraphis Paraquilegia Paropyrum Paroxygraphis Peltocalathos Pulsatilla Ranunculus
Semiaquilegia Souliea Thalictrum Trautvetteria Trollius Urophysa Xanthorhiza

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