Macleania pentaptera IPNI record (IK)
Macleania pentaptera IPNI record (GCI)
Macleania pentaptera IPNI record (GCI)
Macleania pentaptera IPNI record (IK)
Macleania pentapteraSleumer IPNI record (IK)
Macleania pentaptera IPNI record (GCI)

TAMU Image Gallery GOOGLE (Macleania pentaptera)

image of Macleania pentaptera
Macleania pentaptera
image of Macleania pentaptera
Macleania pentaptera
image of Macleania pentaptera
Macleania pentaptera
image of Macleania pentaptera
Macleania pentaptera
image of Macleania pentaptera
Macleania pentaptera
image of Macleania pentaptera
Macleania pentaptera
NUMBER OF GENERA IN Ericaceae: 161  KEW LIST: Ericaceae
Acrostemon Acrothamnus Acrotriche Agapetes Agarista Allotropa Andersonia Andromeda Androstoma
Aniserica Anomalanthus Anthopteropsis Anthopterus Arachnocalyx Arbutus Archeria Arcterica Arctostaphylos
Astroloma Bejaria Blaeria Botryostege Brachyloma Bruckenthalia Bryanthus Budawangia Calluna
Calopteryx Cassiope Cavendishia Ceratiola Ceratostema Chamaedaphne Cheilotheca Chimaphila Choristemon
Coccosperma Coilostigma Coleanthera Comarostaphylis Conostephium Corema Cosmelia Costera Craibiodendron
Croninia Cyathopsis Daboecia Decatoca Demosthenesia Didonica Dimorphanthera Diogenesia Diplarche
Diplycosia Disterigma Dracophyllum Elliottia Empetrum Enkianthus Epacris Epigaea Eremia
Eremiella Erica Ericinella Eubotryoides Findlaya Gaultheria Gaylussacia Gonocalyx Grisebachia
Harrimanella Hemitomes Kalmia Kalmiopsis Killipiella Lateropora Lebetanthus Ledothamnus Ledum
Leiophyllum Leptecophylla Leucopogon Leucothoe Lissanthe Loiseleuria Lyonia Lysinema Macleania 6
Malea Melichrus Menziesia Mitrastylus Moneses Monotoca Monotropa Monotropastrum Monotropsis
Montitega Mycerinus Nabea Nagelocarpus Needhamiella Notopora Oligarrhena Oreanthes Ornithostaphylos
Orthaea Orthilia Oxydendrum Pellegrinia Pentachondra Pernettya Pernettyopsis Philippia Phyllodoce
Pieris Pityopus Platycalyx Pleuricospora Plutarchia Polyclita Prionotes Psammisia Pterospora
Pyrola Rhododendron Rhodothamnus Richea Rupicola Rusbya Salaxis Sarcodes Satyria
Scyphogyne Semiramisia Simocheilus Siphonandra Sphenotoma Sphyrospermum Sprengelia Stokoeanthus Styphelia
Symphysia Sympieza Syndesmanthus Tauschia Tepuia Thamnus Themistoclesia Therorhodion Thibaudia
Thoracosperma Tripetaleia Trochocarpa Tsusiophyllum Utleya Vaccinium Woollsia Zenobia

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