Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (IK)
Plantago major IPNI record (IK)
Plantago major IPNI record (IK)
Plantago major IPNI record (IK)
Plantago major IPNI record (APNI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorLour. IPNI record (IK)
Plantago major IPNI record (APNI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorLour. IPNI record (IK)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorLour. IPNI record (IK)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorLour. IPNI record (IK)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago major IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Plantago majorL. IPNI record (GCI)
Cart-track plant, Common Plantain


TAMU Image Gallery GOOGLE (Plantago major)


Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major

Plantago major
NUMBER OF GENERA IN Plantaginaceae: 102  KEW LIST: Plantaginaceae
Acanthorrhinum Achetaria Adenosma Albraunia Anarrhinum Angelonia Antirrhinum Aragoa Artanema
Asarina Bacopa Basistemon Benjaminia Besseya Bougueria Brookea Bryodes Bythophyton
Callitriche Campylanthus Chaenorhinum Chelone Chionohebe Chionophila Cochlidiosperma Collinsia Conobea
Cymbalaria Detzneria Digitalis Dintera Dizygostemon Dopatrium Encopella Epixiphium Erinus
Galvezia Gambelia Geochorda Globularia Gratiola Hemiphragma Herpestis Hippuris Holmgrenanthe
Holzneria Howelliella Hydrotriche Isoplexis Kashmiria Keckiella Kickxia Lafuentea Lagotis
Limnophila Limosella Linaria Littorella Lophospermum Mabrya Maurandella Maurandya Mecardonia
Melosperma Microcarpaea Misopates Mohavea Monocardia Monopera Monttea Neogaerrhinum Neopicrorhiza
Nothochelone Odicardis Otacanthus Ourisia Paederota Parahebe Penstemon Picria Picrorhiza
Plantago 10 Poskea Psammetes Pseudorontium Rhodochiton Russelia Sairocarpus Schistophragma Schweinfurthia
Scoparia Scrofella Sibthorpia Stemodia Tetranema Tetraulacium Tonella Uroskinnera Veronica
Veronicastrum Wulfenia Wulfeniopsis

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